Photo by Kampus Production

As a person journeys through life, each and every one of them can definitely agree that there is no such thing as a smooth road. Everyone goes through a series and, at times, seemingly never-ending challenges in life. Nevertheless, it all boils down to one thing: How will you deal with it? Do you practice healthy coping mechanisms, or do you give up and give in to the temptations that this world can offer to those who still need to work on themselves?

Michael Pellegrino’s book presenting crisis as opportunity is an excellent guide for those who are still in need of help to strengthen themselves when hard times come. Yes, some people are weak, and instead of giving them judgment for it, it is better to provide them with a helping hand, especially in times when they need it most.

Indeed, stress is an inevitable part of life. If you have noticed, every person’s quality of life is different; this can be due to how each one has different circumstances in life, but it also actually depends on how the said person deals with the situations they encounter in their lifetime. A person’s mindset can change a lot of things, especially the course of their life.

A person’s mental health is a delicate matter. Every person’s state of mental wellness can vary, and their life experiences hold a large impact on it. When a person’s mental health is in good condition, they can go about their day feeling great, right? If they do, they have a higher chance of achieving their goals. After all, the human mind is so powerful that it can make or break their quality of life, which is why it is vital to learn how to approach their life’s journey in the best way possible. With that said, it’s time for you to learn the many ways you can cope with stress in the healthiest manner:

Healthy Emotion-focused Coping

Cognitive Reframing

This approach is the positive emotional and/or cognitive appraisal of a situation that is stressful. The best part about this technique is that it helps a person develop resilience and adaptability when facing adversities.

Photo by Prasanth Inturi

Breathing Techniques and Meditation

When you are feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated with the things that life throws at you, it is best for you to take a step back, try to calm your mind, relax your body, and take a few minutes to breathe or meditate. Give yourself time to slow down every now and then, because this will help you make smarter decisions in life.


For those who are going through challenges in life, expressing yourself through a creative outlet can be greatly therapeutic and reflective. Writing down your thoughts offers a big help in lightening the load on your shoulders, along with helping you come up with wonderful ideas that can contribute to your goals!

Positive Thinking

Yes, we know this is easier said than done, especially when you feel like you are drowning in life’s challenges. Learning to think more on the positive side of things, especially forgiveness, holds a great advantage for not only yourself but for others, leading to the promotion of healthy behaviors and better psychological well-being for all.


We have all heard of the saying that laughter is the best medicine – isn’t it true, though? Laughing is a wonderful outlet for any negative emotion, and it also stimulates the physiological system that lowers a person’s stress hormones. Furthermore, good old humor makes life better!

Healthy Problem-focused Coping

Finding an alternative solution

Every problem has a solution. With that said, this is an undeniably effective method for handling dilemmas in life. In order to come up with the right solution, the process involves collecting complete information, planning, and coming up with effective decisions to deal with the problem properly.

Healthy meaning-focused coping

Focusing on the “good” in a bad situation

Much similar to positive thinking, this form of coping mechanism combats negative impacts on a person’s mental health. Along with mindfulness techniques, this type of mindset will greatly contribute to someone’s wellness. This method is most effective for people with strong religious beliefs.

Healthy social coping

Seeking help from a counselor or therapist

This is a highly helpful strategy for getting an unbiased perspective on the struggles you are currently facing. With the advent of technology, you can now engage in counseling or therapy via video chats or messaging platforms!


Nothing beats good old communication. When things get tough, you can always let it out by talking with a person that you can trust.

Healthy avoidance-focused coping

Controlled distraction

Also known as self-distraction, this is an activity that we can do to take our minds off of a situation. Watch your favorite movie, and listen to music that will help you loosen up your shoulders, or sweat it out with a good exercise session!

As you journey through life, make it a life goal to be skilled at turning challenges into triumphs. Once you develop this skill, you will surely be one step ahead of others in life.

It’s time embark on a transformative journey where you can unlock many opportunities. Order a copy of Michael Pellegrino’s “Crisis = Opportunity: Finding growth and resilience in challenging times” today!


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